Institut für Soziologie

                  Abteilung Soziologie der Familie und der privaten Lebensführung












Familienfreundlichkeit in Rheinland-Pfalz


·  Studie


·  Study english


·  Kongress 2005


·  Broschüre




Familienpflege und


· Studie


· Tagung 2006









Family-friendly working conditions in Rhineland-Palatinate

          – Present and Future –


The study was carried out on behalf of the Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs, Family Affairs and Health of Rhineland-Palatinate by the Institute of Sociology of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz under the leadership of Prof. Dr. N. F. Schneider.

The central focus of the investigation was on establishing the development potential and future opportunities of a family-conscious arrangement of the working world in Rhineland-Palatinate. For this purpose, the attitudes of the employers on the theme of “compatibility of family and career” in general and with regard to their own workplaces in particular were recorded. In addition, motives for introducing family-friendly measures, reasons standing in the way of an introduction as well as the level of knowledge regarding current campaigns on a national and state level were determined. Interested employers were additionally asked about the already existing offer of family-friendly measures. On the part of the employees, the importance of family and career, attitudes on the theme of “compatibility of family and career”, family-friendly offers from the employers and family-friendly measures previously used by the employees were determined. Expert interviews aimed to provide deeper insights into motives, patterns of argument and experiences of operational and industry-wide actors.


english executive summary